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Road to Riches

In the year 582, the Richfort family are traders in the idyllic city of Chernsburg. They have worked and struggled to find their niche in town for three generations, and Richfort Traders is finally starting to turn a profit. Silas and Clyde Richfort are carrying on in the steps of their late father, unaware that the road ahead is fraught with peril. Greedy moneylenders, sinister alchemists, and assassins are just a few of the threats arrayed against them. The future of not just the Richfort family, but of the entire city, hangs in the balance. 


City of Chernsburg, Val'Vadim County, Duchy of Ashford, Kingdom of Arthos

Major Characters:

Clyde Richfort - Oldest son to Darius Richfort, born in 552.

Silas Richfort - Youngest son of Darius Richfort, born in 555.

Marna Richfort - Wife of Silas Richfort, married in 579.

Count Carter Inkcharm - Count of Val’Vadim County & Mayor of Chernsburg.

Glen Frekkeson - Successful Chernsburg merchant and moneylender

chapters:     1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6

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